

Image Data-Base

Building a Data Base of Images

Intention: Samples of pollen or other air-borne particles from all over the world can be easily shared.

Images from digitization of these samples are made available in a Cloud based data base

Search for available image series according to
1. Location: Continent, Country, Town/Institution (or GPS-Data),
2. Pollen species (or kind of particle)
3. Time of collection: Saison or date and
4. Technical Specifications: Magnification, Sample Preparation, Staining. Mode of photographing

A List of Results is generated:
Images can be inspected using previews,
downloaded to the local sysem to inspect and evaluat them using the Marker-Tool
Download of images can be regulated according to special permission

Uploaded images can be automatically analyzed for certain pollen by the PCS program,
using the service of a.e.r.o.medi B.V.

Backend to index and upload images of digitized samples

Special conditions, when contributing samples to the data base.
Lag of upload for up to one year after making